Keycloak X509 Authentication

KeyCloak x509 Authentication As a frequent user of multiple forms of IDs such as Smart Cards for Organizations, ECA certificates to validate a personal ideantity, and government IDs such as CACs and PIVs, I want to get smart on how certificate authentication can work. Getting Started With any project, the first step is to learn how others have done it. Over at DoD Platform1 a KeyCloak prototype exists which includes x509 flows, custom theming, and custom modules to register/update x509 certificates to a user identity in KeyCloak. ...

November 30, 2024 · 7 min · 1308 words · Ben Welch

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 CTF

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 CTF Hello! This is my writeup of the wonderful challenges from the ControlPlane team this year at KubeCon. It was a ton of fun and is encouraged for folks of all experience levels. All you need is a laptop, CNCF Slack, a web browser, and some basic linux tools available (ssh + docker). For a beautiful blog writeup with screenshots and color coding, go here! ...

November 14, 2024 · 12 min · 2464 words · Ben Welch

Pentoo on SteamDeck

Pentoo on Steam Deck Installation Notes If using Rufus, remember to use “MBR”, not “GPT” scheme (SteamDeck limitation, not Pentoo) Display Orientations Change screen orientation in current boot: xrandr -o right Orient touch screen in current boot: xinput set-prop "FTS3528:00 2808:1015" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1 Look for FTS3528:00, for me it was the last item under “Virtual core pointer” Core Transformation explained ...

April 3, 2023 · 1 min · 103 words · Ben Welch

SteamOS for Conferencing

Description These are steps taken to help enable a SteamDeck for use in conferencing where a modern web browser, Zoom, and a Smart Card are required. Setup user password If no user level password has been set yet, configure one now. By default, there is no password passwd Switch Firefox to community maintained Firefox as provided in SteamOS is locked down and limited on execution. For enabling use with Smart Card libraries, a version installed and managed at the OS level (outside of a jail or sandbox) is required. Allow Read-Write filesystem Set filesystem to read-write so packages can be installed sudo steamos-readonly disable ...

April 3, 2023 · 2 min · 365 words · Ben Welch

Update BusPirate v3b

I want to use OpenOCD but it is unsupported on my version of BusPirate. I’m running 5.10 which is disabled for OpenOCD. sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 Follow Build instructions My bootloader is 4.3 which is within version 4.x so I don’t need to update bootloader cd Bus_Pirate/package/BPv3-firmware/ chmod +x (if you didn’t install i386 arch you’ll get command not found error message, file pirate-loader_lnx to see it’s a i386 file) ...

April 3, 2023 · 1 min · 116 words · Ben Welch